Tag Archives: eco living

Refurbished Computers Are Turning Green

Emissions of carbon dioxide help to trap heat within the Earth’s atmosphere that would normally be released into space. The result of this increased heat is called Global Warming if you are of the liberal persuasion and Dramatic Climate Change if you are conservative. The end result is the same; The Earth will continue to heat up where it should be cold, and cool off where it should be warm. This will be a mild inconvenience to most where it was warm, but the coldest areas such […]

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Living Green

Caring for the environment is very important. Today, we are experiencing a lot of environmental problems. If we don’t start acting now, we will wake up one day regretting all the times that we take the earth for granted. It’s not hard to advocate for the environment. It only takes dedication and self- commitment. You have to know that all things start small. A big task always start with a commitment to one’s self, the awareness of the desire to do something that is not only for […]

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Keeping Your Garden Green

There are many things we do to add a little splash of color to our summer gardens but we often fail to focus on keeping our summer gardens looking lush and green just a little bit longer even though we know that by doing so we are essentially prolonging the life and therefore our enjoyment of our summer gardens. The focus of this article is to keep your summer garden looking crisp and green as long as possible by taking a few extra steps a little earlier […]

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How Green Is Your Home?

A home that is green is a home built and run with the environment in mind. With the threat of global warming becoming more urgent everyday, the average family needs to do their part to make as little impact as possible. Going green is a way to do this and the first place to start is with your home. You can find a lot of home supplies from bathtubs to faucets at fuzing.com. Whether you are constructing your toilet or your kitchen, it will help you in […]

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A Hobby Greenhouse Will Get You Growing!

For people who would like to do more gardening but live in a short growing season area, a hobby greenhouse is the answer. A hobby greenhouse is not large enough to produce vegetables or flowers on a commercial basis. It will, however, give you a place for a tomato plant or two and some fresh greens even if you live in the northern regions. Greenhouse enthusiasts even have their own association, called the Hobby Greenhouse Association, which publishes a quarterly magazine. The organization also sponsers events and […]

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Get Greener By Recycling Your Computer Equipment

The rapid evolution of information technology is a double-edged sword. While constant improvements allow us to keep doing more in less time, the downside is that electronic equipment quickly becomes obsolete and needs to be replaced by newer, faster models. One obvious drawback of improving technology is the cost of replacing older models, but what happens to the old equipment? Many computer components are highly toxic to the environment, and virtually all electronic equipment utilizes some form of computer technology. What do we do with the computer […]

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Eating Greens

Eating a lot of greens can have many health benefits to you. You may not know all the good things that greens can do for you, so read on. A substance that is found in all plants is Chlorophyll. What it does is it acts as a blood detoxifier, which helps increase circulation to all your organs. It does this by dilating blood vessels and it is also a natural deodorant because it helps reduce offensive body orders. Wow, 2 in one can’t beat that. Super green […]

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Helping In The Community

Most communities in this day and age have at least some initiatives to aid green living, and your community is most likely no different. If you are interested in making a difference beyond your household, then this is usually the best place to start. Looking in the local newspaper and online you can find ways of helping that you never knew existed – and it is a way of meeting like-minded people and perhaps increasing the amount you do from there. Helping create a greener town or […]

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Is Green Living Expensive?

The importance of being good to the environment is one that is often balanced against the expense. Many families, especially in the current financial climate, will find that they can afford either food or principles, and in such a situation the latter is always going to lose out. However, the truth is that you can be green and live affordably if you know how, although you may not be able to do everything that someone with more disposable income might. Having little money often means you cannot […]

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Am I A Hypocrite?

In life, we must compromise from time to time. Even the principles that we hold so dear sometimes come under pressure when the situation becomes grave. And for an environmentalist the concern about compromising arises on a regular basis. If you get in the car to drive somewhere are you junking your principles? If you buy food that is not locally sourced, are you a traitor to the planet? If you let a glass jar fall into the wrong garbage bin, are you sticking your tongue out […]

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